Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Revival deleted my tag board and my blog was in danger until i came and activate it. Yeah, one life saved!

Hmm, blogging is relatively difficult to me... i don't know what to pen down sometimes... just too many... and don't know where to start...

Heart Of God Church is awesome, seriously, no fakin, all real. The presence of God is really overwhelming every time during worship and it can't be explained by words!
hey, met many new friends, too! They're all so friendly and nice, thank God for them :) AMEN!

And yea, thank you Evi Rianto, for bringin' me into hoGc! But you're still the blur one in school, countless "huh" everytime, hohoho XD

Psalm 4:4

In your anger, do not sin;
when you are on your beds,
search your hearts and be silent.

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